Trade Ally Network Northwest

We offer three convenient ways to use these materials:
1. Original Adobe InDesign files with complete fonts, photos and text to customize on your own. You can download these as zip files below. Adobe software tools are required.
2. Simple PDFs that allow you to add logos and customized contact information. These materials are available for utilities to customize and save on your desktop.
3. Support from our marketing team who will customize materials to meet your needs. Contact your Trade Ally Network NW field specialist to get the process underway.

Marketing Materials

Please note the images included in these source files are only available to use in the formats provided and should not be incorporated into other materials. These materials may require Adobe InDesign or Adobe Acrobat Pro to customize.

Document Title Description Download
2023 Ductless Heat Pump Flyer (PDF) Customize this piece with your utility logo, incentive information, and contact details. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Customizable Incentive One Sheet (PDF) Customize this piece with your utility logo, incentive information, and contact details. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Incentive Offering One Sheet (InDesign) For utilities with in-house design capabilities, use the InDesign files to customize this piece with your utility logo, incentive information and contact details. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Customizable Promotional One Sheet (PDF) This flyer may be used as a direct mail piece, a newsletter insert or as email or web content to market the benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Promotional One Sheet (InDesign) For utilities with in-house design capabilities, use the InDesign files to customize this piece with your utility logo, incentive information and contact details. It may be used as a direct mail piece, flyer, newsletter insert or as email or web content to market the benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Customizable Promotional Direct Mail (PDF) This postcard may be used as a direct mail piece to market the energy-saving benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Promotional Direct Mail (InDesign) This postcard may be used as a direct mail piece to market the energy-saving benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE

Content Resources

These files provide raw content that you may use in developing web content, newsletter articles, on-bill content, social posts or other tools to market the benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. These are not designed as stand-alone marketing pieces but contain content you may repurpose for your own channels.

Document Title Description Download
Ductless Heat Pump General Newsletter Content (PDF) This newsletter content is designed to promote Ductless Heat Pumps to end-users. Content may be used in a print or email utility newsletter. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Promotional Bill Insert Content (PDF) This content may be used in email or print customer bills to remind them of the comfort and energy-saving benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Benefits Slide (PPT) This standard-formatted PowerPoint slide may be used as a stand-alone or incorporated with your presentation materials to highlight the benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Top 10 Reasons to Install Now (PDF) The Top 10 Reasons document is designed for end-users. This content may be suitable for a newsletter article, direct mail, email or social post. DOWNLOAD FILE
Ductless Heat Pump Side-by-Side Comparison (PDF) This document is designed to show both trade allies and end-users how the benefits of a ductless heat pump compare to electric resistance heat. DOWNLOAD FILE